Climate Policy Initiative Reports:
“Improving Solar Policy: Lessons from the solar leasing boom in California,” July 2013.
“The Challenge of Institutional Investment in Renewable Energy,” March 2013.
“Supporting Renewables while Saving Taxpayers Money,” September 2012.
“Limiting the Cost of Renewables: Lessons for California,” June 2012.
“The Impacts of Policy on the Financing of Renewable Projects: A Case Study Analysis,” October 2011.
“Renewable Energy Financing and Climate Policy Effectiveness,” July 2011.
Webinar, “The Challenge of Institutional Investment in Renewable Energy,” April 3, 2013.
“What’s working and what’s not in state renewable portfolio standards,” July 2013.
“Why policy matters for institutional investment in renewable energy,” May 2013.
“Renewable portfolio standards – the high cost of insuring against high costs,” December 2012.
“The business of renewables in the U.S.,” February 2012.
Honors Thesis:
“Democracy, Property Rights and FDI in Developing Countries: A Regional Analysis,” Macalester College Honors Thesis, Spring 2007.